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Watch Identity (2025) Online Full Movie Free

Identity (2025)

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A sketch artist and a cop work together to unravel the identity of an elusive killer using the descriptions of his face, etched into the memory of an eye-witness to the brutal crime.

Watch Identity (2025) Online Full Movie Free

Identity (2025)

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After witnessing a brutal crime, police officer Allan brings the witness, Alisha, to Kochi to protect her from the killer. Their paths cross with Haran, who aids the police as a sketch artiste. But when they finally find out that Alisha is suffering from a cognitive condition that doesn’t let her remember faces, the trio are forced to doubt each other’s intent.

Watch Identity (2025) Online Full Movie Free

Identity (2025)

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After witnessing a brutal crime, police officer Allan brings the witness, Alisha, to Kochi to protect her from the killer. Their paths cross with Haran, who aids the police as a sketch artiste. But when they finally find out that Alisha is suffering from a cognitive condition that doesn’t let her remember faces, the trio are forced to doubt each other’s intent.

Watch Identity (2025) Online Full Movie Free

Identity (2025)

736 Views0 Comments

A sketch artist and a cop work together to unravel the identity of an elusive killer using the descriptions of his face, etched into the memory of an eye-witness to the brutal crime.